Tempelhofer Feld

Tempelhofer Feld Homepage: https://tempelhofer-feld.berlin.de

I decided to visit here because of the recommendation from an article in Süddeutsche Zeitung.
It is a very special place, a well-kept ruin of an old airport.
Now it is an open public park.
People can grill barbecues, ride bikes, rollerskates, or just walk around.
I could totally be relaxed here, because there were nothing here but an open ground.

I would like to recommend visiting this place to anyone who needs a peace of mind.
You can arrive here by taking a short walk from the Tempelhof S-bahn and U-bahn station.

Tempelhofer Feld, Entrance
Tempelhofer Feld, Entrance
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld, Old airport
Tempelhofer Feld, Old airport
Tempelhofer Feld
Tempelhofer Feld

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